Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 Hair Goal!

Happy Thursday everyone! OK, yesterday I told you that I would share my 2010 Hair goal with you, so here it is...........
My Hair goal for 2010 is to grow 1inch of healthy hair every month! Whew........ I know it sound exhausting already, but I am committed to the task at hand. I will attempt to achieve my goal by........
1. Drinking Plenty of Water! Water is key, our Body needs water and so does our hair.
2. Eating a balanced Diet consisting of mostly fresh fruits and veggies. (A quick rant: I was vegetarian for quite a while, and when i moved from Florida to Moreno valley, Ca it was really hard for me to find my normal foods, so i resulted back to eating meat again. But i only ate chicken, turkey, and fish. What a bad mistake!!!!! Eating meat has really took it's toll on me in just 5months. I've gain 25lbs since July, my hair isn't as healthy as it should be, and I just feel miserable. So starting today no more meat for me! Only fish occasionally!)
3.Wearing protective styles. (i.e. Braids, twists, kinky twists)
4. And by following a well thought out and planned hair care regimen, which is as follows........

*Daily- Seal in moisture every night before bed. (Will blog about "How to seal in moisture" @ a later date.)
*Mon, Wed and Fri- Co- wash and De tangle (Those will be the set days unless my hair gets really dirty from something like a accident fall into some dirt or something. lol)
*Every Saturday- Deep Condition with my Homemade Tropical Avocado Deep conditioner. (If you would like the Recipe check out my YouTube page.
*Every 4Th Saturday- Clarify hair with a ACV Rinse (apple cider vinegar rinse), Do a protein treatment with my Homemade Protein treatment. (Check out my YouTube page for that recipe as well;), Do a length check, and trim ends if necessary.

I will do product reviews and post them as well. I also will be blogging and updating my YouTube channel and Fotki page regularly with my hair updates. I would love your support on this growth journey!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Beginning of my Natural Hair Diary!

On 2/10/2010 I will have reached my 5years natural mark. I had locs up until about 4 months ago. On 8/4/2009 I big chopped for the 2nd time. I loved my locs, and i never thought i would get rid of them, and since i cut them off it's been kinda like a new liberation. I'm free to try more styles and strive to have the healthiest hair possible. My hair was literally in bondage.....LOL! But locs are good, I might even go back to them one day.
Since cutting my locks off i have been enjoying getting to know my hair again. I have fallin in love with every kink, coil, and curl. In the beginning I tried a lot of products, so were good and some were bad. (I will do a update on those products later.) I've learned a lot of do's and dont's for natural hair, and i'm looking forward to sharing them with you.
I am dedicating 2010 to ultimate hair growth. I will share my hair goal with you on tomorrow. I will blog everyday (if possible) about my hair process, styles, and products. Anything new that i learn and all the things i know about natural hair, I'm going to blog about it. I feel it's time for sistahs to stop being "lyed" to, and embrace their natural beauty. My best friend always says "Love the skin that God has placed you in" and she is right. We ought to love ourselves in out natural state. If God wanted us to have straight, and silky hair he would have gave it to us. And not only are we more beautiful in our natural state, the chemicals in relaxers and other hair care products are dangerous, and harmful to the human body! So stay tuned sistahs, I am dedicating this year to Natural Hair!