

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New style w/ twists

Happy Humpday people,

I pray everyone is enjoying their week. Well i wanted to share with you all a new style that I did with twists.

Here are the steps........

1. divide hair in 4 parts
2. using the 2 parts in the front create a "V" style bang and seperate it
3. Now using the 2 parts thats left over in the front (which should be the sides) pull up into a pony tail.
4. now start your twists. I started with my bang first, then the ponytail, then the back.
5.Once all of your twists are complete loosely pull your bang back to where your ponytail starts and secure it with a couple bobby pins. (please make sure your bobby pins have rubber tips on the end)

There you have it. The 5 steps to this beautiful style. Thanks for your support. God bless!