Hello Lovely Naturals,
This blog was inspired by both Dr. Don Colbert and Kim Love from luvnaturals.com. About two years ago I was introduced to having healthy PH levels by reading Dr. Don Colbert's book "The Seven Pillars of Health", and recently I came across Kim Love and her vlog about your hairs PH Balance. So I decided to share with you all what I've learn thus far. So lets get started.......
The pH scale was first developed in 1909 by the scientist Soren Peder Lauritz Sorensen. The system allows us to compare our body chemistry to the chemical makeup of our environment. pH is a medical term that describes the balance of your system and it refers to the condition of metabolic changes. It technically stands for “potential for hydrogen ion concentration.” Your body’s natural pH balance can be affected by the types of food you eat. For example, a woman’s body should maintain a pH balance that averages to 6.5 (but no more than 7.5). Drinking purified water will neutralize your pH balance.
Just like your body and skin, your hair’s pH balance is affected by numerous factors, particularly the products you use. Understanding your hair’s pH level is important for proper hair care. If you want to learn how to restore your hair’s natural pH level, its really quite a simple process once you understand your hair. The natural oil that our hair secretes is a natural oil called sebum. Sebum maintains the moisture and balance in our hair. The hairs natural pH balance is between 4.5 and 5.5 scale. But what is most important is that we understand how to measure our hair’s level of Alkaline or Acid. The scale is from 0 (strongly Acidic) to 14 (Strongly Alkaline). Having a level of 7 represents neutrality.
Because your hair is primarily protein, it tends to be very strong. Chemical processes, however can weaken your hair causing it to break off.
By nature, curly hair cuticles tend to remain in an open state, as the spiral pattern of a curl makes it extremely difficult for the cuticles to lie flat. Since these open cuticles are what cause frizzy hair, it is particularly important for curly heads to be aware of the pH levels of the products they use.
Your hair consists of three parts. The outmost layer is the cuticle and inside of that is the cortex. The medulla is the central, most internal portion of the hair shaft that contains excess cells and air. When your hair is damaged, the scales on the cuticle stand out and break off. This exposes the cortex which makes your hair feel harder. The cortex is what gives your hair its strength and its elasticity.
Melanin is on the inner section of your cortex. Melanin is what gives you your original hair color. That is why when coloring your hair, the hair colorant must penetrate the cortex in order to change the color of your hair.
Hair colorants are usually more alkaline. Alkaline means that the product has a pH level of 7 or over and it is a non-acidic product. The cuticle opens up when an alkaline substance is applied to it. This is what allows hair colorant to penetrate the cortex. There, it reacts with the hairs pigmentation to produce the color change.
Most shampoos are also made to be neutral or at times, slightly acidic. The high pH will allow the shampoo to easily clear off any oils or dirt that have formed on the hair and scalp. Neutral shampoos may be recommended for people who have sensitive scalps. In the same manner, hair conditioner is acidic or carries a high pH, because it causes the keratin on the hair strand surface to be flattened out instead of bristly, thus causing hair to be smooth and soft.
So, now that we know that alkalis will open the cuticle, and acids will flatten it, we can decide on which types of products we want or do not want to use on our hair. Naturally, we’ll not want to do anything that causes damage, so we’ll avoid the extremes one way or another.
Well there you ave it! A little of what I know about Hair PH Levels! Want to learn more???? I recommend Dr. Colberts "The seven Pillars of Health". That book as well as his others are Amazing! Thanks for your support! God Bless!
Thanks for posting, was familiar with Kim love's information but never heard of Dr. Colberts " the seven Pillars of health. will have to look closer into it.
ReplyDeleteThank for shedding light on pH. I have for sure learnt a lot from this article
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info on pH. It helped a lot for my Sci project! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd its spelled interesting, not intresting.
Thank you for this info~HHBR pH balance natural hair and skin products
ReplyDeleteSo how do I know where my hair is on the ph scale? I'm slightly confused
ReplyDeleteMy hair is very thick and long and wavy\curly but not very tight curls,I recently bleached my hair to &before this iv died my hair serveral times,don't know if this helps
ph for hair is 4.5-5.5.Due to the use of chemicals it takes your ph higher to alkaline levels 7 and up. In order to bring your levels back down conditioners and leave ins are a must or else your hair will break off. Never should one leave their hair in an alkaline state. Maintenance is key when using chemiclas because they will and do change the integrity of the hair strands. Hope this helps.
DeleteDo you know what book inspired Kim Love' s use of PH Balance?